Why Use a Cadmus Data Logging and Alarm System From Signatrol

In addition, you may require alarm notifications so that you can identify a developing problem before it gets to the point of ruining the product that it is monitoring or at least making it unsafe.
Fortunately, Signatrol have developed a data logging and alarming system that meets all the requirements of these international standards, their Cadmus WIFI-enabled data loggers with alarm functionality used in conjunction with the Ratifi cloud-based software comply with all relevant standards as follows;
INVIOLATE DATA: All data are stored in encrypted form that cannot be manipulated or altered by ‘Ordinary Means’
SECURITY: Cadmus WIFI data logger and alarm systems are WPA2-Enterprise enabled and all access is restricted to Authorised People.
AUDIT TRAIL: Each system has a stored history of all actions, who did them and what the outcome was.
ACCURACY: ±0.2°C (Meets EN12830: 2018 Class 0.2).
ALARMING: Ratifi-Cloud Configured Alarms (4 per Channel: Hi Hi, Hi, Lo, Lo Lo) Alarm messages sent by email to appropriate users.
SET-UP: Administrator/User model for maximum flexibility.