Temperature Data Loggers For ISO EN 14065 Validation

In the current climate of Covid and other viruses and/or bacteria ensuring the safety of clothing, especially in any care environment, is more important than ever before.
Who needs ISO EN 14065?
ISO EN 14065 on laundry processed textiles with the biocontamination control system is useful for:
• Anyone responsible for Laundry services in any care situation
• Commercial Laundry services
• Textile companies
• Textile manufacturers and suppliers
• Manufacturing unit of hygienic fabrics
• Quality assurance team for microbiological laundry process
Why should you use ISO EN 14065?
ISO EN 14065 describes a risk management approach. The general principles of risk management are integral to any business operation and addresses uncertainty, is systematic and iterative and responsive to change.
The purpose of ISO EN 14065 is to provide a management system that can effectively and consistently ensure the provision of any processed textiles with a microbiological quality appropriate for the intended use. Regardless of variations between laundries, processes or products, all textiles returning to a laundry for processing are potentially contaminated. The objective of ISO EN 14065 is to achieve and then maintain the appropriate microbiological quality to the point of handover.
The approach used in ISO EN 14065 is to apply recognised risk and process management principles and to provide for a Risk Analysis and Bio-contamination Control (RABC) system. The core of the RABC element is a general Prerequisite Programme (PRP) which includes the conditions and the good manufacturing practice necessary to achieve and maintain the hygiene of the work environment, processes, and textiles.
The standard states:
The washing process should have a disinfection cycle in which the temperature of the load is either maintained at 65°C for not less than ten minutes or 71°C for not less than three minutes when thermal disinfection is used. Alternative time-temperature relationships may be used as long as the efficacy of the process chosen is equal to or exceeds that of the 65°C or 71°C processes. With all these options, mixing time should be added to ensure heat penetration and assure disinfection. For conventionally designed machines and those with a low degree of loading (less than 0.056 kg/L), four minutes should be added to these times to allow for adequate mixing time. For a heavy degree of loading (that is, above 0.056 kg/L), it is necessary to add eight minutes.
The SL53T-A temperature data logger, along with the SL50-ACC03 data logger protective enclosure, can help you prove that the required time / temperature profiles have been met.