Data Logging Specialists, Signatrol Ltd, Have Been Awarded a Grant of Patent.

UK Patent No. 2479520
Signatrol have been awarded a patent for the communications aspect of their spYdaq data logging system.
Designed to monitor and record temperature and humidity in buildings, fridges, freezers and storage areas, spYdaq enables easy compliance with HACCP, EN13830, FDA CFR21 Part 11, Various NHS protocols and other relevant standards where careful inviolate monitoring of storage conditions is required to comply with legislation, and for regulatory and quality reasons.
SpYdaq monitors the relevant key parameters and transmits them via a licence free radio band to a basestation which then makes the data available via a bespoke display. The basestation can either be hard wired into the internet or supplied with a modem which sends the data via the mobile phone network. Data are stored either locally or in the cloud and analysis software is provided which combines data analysis functions with alarm features. All data are stored in encrypted form and can only be accessed by authorised people.
Using radio means that the installation is quick and easy and hence cost saving. The transmitters 'sleep' and then wake up at user defined intervals to transmit the data. Using this method means that the transmitters are purely transmitters and not transceivers, thus reducing the cost and complexity of the system.
A problem could arise if two or more transmitters try to transmit at the same time and signals collide resulting in loss of data. Signatrol have therefore developed a unique high redundancy data package that ensures that, in the event of a collision, no data will be lost. So effective is this, for a fully populated system, the likelihood of losing a single reading is once in every 67 years so, in effect, no data is ever lost. It is this unique innovation that has been recognised by the Patents Office.
Quote from Brian Turner, Managing Director: 'I am pleased that, although it has taken quite some time, our unique and innovative spYdaq data logging system has finally been recognised with the grant of Patent. Many customers are already benefitting from this system and the patent will give added confidence to any new adopters' ….All radio data logging systems are not the same.
Image Source: Unsplash